
The male and female duality is one of the many that evil people have been manipulating towards the destruction of society. Another one that comes to mind is the idealism-materialism duality. Those parts of the duality can only exist as aspects of the ONE whole. They can not exist by themselves. And this is why they are being abused by nefarious people.

For a person or a whole society to be balanced and healthy, it must be integrated, not fractured. A fractured person or society that upholds just one of the dualistic principles and suppresses the other is doomed.

Examples of this dualistic fracturing in today’s world:

  • Over the past 500+ years Far east Buddhist or Hindi societies, or east European orthodox christian societies have had a much more pronounced female principle of care, forgiveness and permissiveness at the expense of the male principles of defense, struggle, conquest, exploration. Hence they have allowed to be completely run over by a male-principle dominated Islam.
  • Over the last few decades the western societies have under pressure of social engineering also destroyed or misdirected their male principle of protection and struggle, hence allowing their countries to be dominated by a female principle of submission and care, which has brought on demographic, cultural and potentially other types of destruction.
  • Science seems to separate along the lines of materialism vs idealism, basically cutting out the idea part of reality, although we all know that the smallest units of reality are both matter and wave(information) at the same time.

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