The mRNA technique would change your DNA causing your body to produce the Sars2 spike protein. Then the promotors of the technique would hope that an *auto-immune* response is triggered that destroys the said protein.
Thus, the technique relies on triggering an AUTO-IMMUNE response because it targets something that has been produced by your body and is a part of your body, albeit genetically modified.

I would like to pose a few layman questions that may be worth pondering and that perhaps an expert can address:
- How do we know that besides the auto-immune response triggered by the spike protein, other auto-immune responses will not be triggered? This is especially relevant in relation to the serious auto-immune epidemic that has already been created by more conventional vaccines.
- Which regions of the body is the mRNA designed to target and genetically modify?
- Do we know anything about the long-term outcome of human DNA, in terms of which DNA strain would prevail, modified or unmodified? Or to put it more bluntly in oncological terms, would the cells resulting from the modified DNA be malignant(spread and take over the body) or benign(be contained or die out)?
The answers to these questions may be critical information in preventing a potentially catastrophic medical crisis with loss of life, deterioration of health, and economic consequences on a global scale, that may result from the (forced) application of incompletely tested medicines.