Idealism Vs. Materialism, philosophy against an ideology

The post is a recap and edit of a tweet storm from earlier today. Please forgive the terse sentences.

As in any debate, let’s start with the definitions. Please refer to 2. or the philosophical meaning in both cases.

I’ll venture to state that materialism is an anti-human ideology, as it negates the human potential, instilling fear and disempowerment, putting us in fear-based groups. The human manifests his conscious and creative nature by conceptualizing ideas and implementing them in reality. Materialists view the individual human as a biological machine, oppressed and constricted by the physical world around him. In order to sustain this illusion, materialists ignore/negate the innate human capacity to change and build the reality around him according to their ideas.

On the other hand, the idealistic human nature has created every little product, innovation and fundamental progress of our civilization. In order to maintain its illusory existence against such a push back by reality, the unnatural materialistic ideology has to spend immense resources, with some success.

People get trapped in the ambiguity of the word materialism, which results in confusion and inability to comprehend the issue. Materialists have pulled a successful bait and switch, painting an Idealistic philosophy like Capitalism, as materialistic due to its success in voluntary creation and trade of material products. Additionally, people are fooled into accepting a distorted meaning of idealism, to mean something unrealistic or utopian. That is pure vile demagoguery, since idealism, as in human ideas shaping and manifesting reality via free market enterprise, is responsible for building and moving the world forward.

To conclude, the creation and manipulation of material products, or the world in general, is an Idealistic position, because it relies on the human creative spark to produce ideas solving problems or designing and building completely new systems.
On the other hand, being disempowered to the extent of rejecting one’s human potential and capacity to ideate and create, is a Materialist position. We can label Materialism as an ideology, as it is based on belief, and not on the rigorous pursuit of truth, which it actually tries to prevent. While Idealism fits the description of philosophy, being rationally consistent with the rigorous pursuit of truth in reality.

Rest assured, when an ideology, i.e. a belief, is battling philosophy, i.e. a rigorous pursuit of truth, the illusionary bubble is sure to be pricked by reality.

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